Hi Friends! I decided to just post a little inspirational thread today on X. I'm so pressed for time with these projects at work! I hope you all have a blessed week!!! Love you, Ally.
I'm sorry to keep spamming this forum with things about MM, but I want to make this point. No matter what crap she tries to say about me, or how many lies she spreads, I still think it's appropriate to point out that all the people saying that she's no lawyer because she's never passed the Bar exam--all they had to do was a one second internet search to find out that in Washington State, you don't have to pass the Bar exam to legally be a Lawyer.
Madyson has said that she's a lawyer in Washington State, because in Washington State you don't have to pass the Bar to become a Lawyer. Is that true? According to multiple web sites, yes. Are multiple people spreading lies about her? Seems like it's so. There's a difference between truth and narrative. The postmodernist definition of 'your' truth and 'my' truth is bunk. There's THE truth, and then there are lies.
I just happened across Paula's most recent attempt at a spin job about this, but she's not the only one who has been harping on this for forever.
I'm not sure Paula is smart enough to realize that one bar exam in one state does not immediately qualify you in other states. You have to take multiple bar exams if you want to practice in multiple states. Some states have a reciprocal policy with other states, and in some you can petition or request that your previous state's qualifications be applicable in a new state. But that is not universal, and you often have to take multiple bar exams if you want to be a lawyer in multiple states.
In not just Washington State, but 3 other states in which you don't have to pass the Bar exam to be a lawyer. There are criterion, and for some you have to have law school schooling and others a sponsoring Lawyer. But that's exactly what MM said. She said she found a sponsoring lawyer, and she's had multiple semesters of law school. Legally, under Washington state Law, if she's met their criterion she can be called a lawyer.
I'm not suggesting you spam anybody's twitter feed with the following pictures, in fact I believe it's a bad idea and I don't suggest it. But if you care about truth and want to use the photos below for your own post(s), go for it.
Madyson, as a survivor, has been through hell and back. And driving survivors off-the-edge is one tactic of the Brotherhood. Then they can point their fingers at them and say "she's crazy", "don't believe that crazy woman."
I call their tactic out in the open. She's not crazy, she's not lying, she's exhibiting behavior within the range of typical of someone who has been excessively abused and then attacked repeatedly for exposing abusers.
The bottom line is, you don't have to pass the Bar exam to become a lawyer in Washington State, provided that state's other criteria are met. Distracting and deflecting from this and accusing MM of lying because you think she ought to have passed the Bar exam to be a lawyer is... stupid.
I've ignored this stuff for years. I guess I can't ignore it any more. It just has gone on SO long and is SO stupid and SO tiring to me, and they've got my attention now, Lord help 'em.
Happy New Year Friends! This year has already kicked off with a BANG! Trump is being certified and Trudeau has resigned. I feel a BIG SHIFT coming for 2025, and even if it is a bad one, ... we will still praise the Lord!
Recently, I was with my brother and sister for a quick visit. We never all get along when we are together and it's probably that there are 3 of us...so 2 always gang up on 1 when we are together. I caught my sister running her mouth about my grandma's dog...talking smack about how her kids are glad I'm not their mother and so on and so forth. The good news is the Holy Spirit was activated and I JUST KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT! LOL.
I highlight this interaction as before, I would defend, challenge, and hurt her feelings just to get back at her. But as I walk with the Lord, and grow close to him, I have learned that not every comment deserves a reaction. (“Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.” – Proverbs 21:23)
I could see her spirit was cloudy and dark and I just sat there quietly, I'm sure my spirit was golden as Jesus was shining through me. My family is not very religious on my mother's side...so they just call me a hypocrite. Call me what you want, but the Lord calls me beloved. (Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11)
This new year, let us remember we are NEW CREATIONS in Christ! Out with the old and in with the new! Jesus has given me so much life, so much joy and I don't want to waste an ounce of my thoughts or energy on haters this year....even if they are my family. (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17)
Be blessed this 2025 and NOT STRESSED! Guess what, this world is still going to suck... but our hope is in Christ alone. I am always praying for you all! I Love you :)
Happy Testimony Tuesday, y'all! Can you believe this is the last post of 2024?! I started this February 2023, and it seems I only made 28 episodes—a little more than 50% of the year—but I think that was a successful start! Thank you for coming along with me on this journey.
Last week, our office was painted, and if you know anything about me, I am nosey and curious about people. We had a family of painters in the office and for the first day or so, we didn't interact. On the 3rd day, the painter stopped by my office and started getting a little emotional. He recently lost pretty much everything the last Hurricane we had. He said he was a Christian and he knows to trust God but it is hard right now.
I confirmed to him that our flesh is weak**, and we just need to give it to God and stay praising him. He agreed and became a little weepy, and I told him "Hold my hand" He looked a little hesitant and I said "Don't worry, I am Jesus' Cheerleader and we are going to pray" We held his hand (my co-worker and I) and I began to pray over him.(**Mathew 26:41 41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”)
My boss laughed because I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF! All our tears belong to God**, I just want everyone to come to him with their crisis. He is our Healer and goes before us to clear a path***.(**Psalm 56:8 8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.) (***Deuteronomy 31:8 8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”)
The next few days passed and I then came into a conversation with his brother. This brother had a totally different vibe about him. He was a little jaded almost with Christianity. He mentioned he and his brother were raised Presbyterian and he read the Bible so many times he can debate anyone at this point. He likes interacting with Athiests cause they think they know everything but they don't know the written word so he uses scriptures to debate them. This kind of gave me a bad feeling. Instead of glorifying God and testifying how good God is in your life... he just challenges people.
This made me think of Cain and Able. Cain and Able were brothers, raised in the same household, with the same understanding of God. That was almost the same situation with the painters...One brother was weeping and bowing down to Christ, and the other brother was living in his Ego, challenging people, God, and the world around him.
We need to decide which brother we want to be like... Cain or Able. Brothers and Sisters, we are all God's children so let's stop being so combative with each other and be more humble and loving towards each other! This new year I pray that we can all lay our sin at the foot of the cross and just seek Jesus with open hearts. Let's learn more about who he is so we can be like him! Praying for many blessings over you for 2025! Let's bring in the new year with Jesus! Amen!