Veronica Swift
Education • Culture
No, David, I am not a satanist
And the photo has finger puppets, which should have been a clue for you.
September 03, 2024

I just found out that Grey Area Monarch, aka David Hall (no, I am not doxxing his actual name, his name was already released by David Shurter months ago on David's YouTube channel) has been sending a certain photograph to people and telling them it's proof that I'm a satanist.

So I thought I'd do some reminiscing down memory lane and talk about this photo that Mr. Hall got off my Facebook profile picture photo list.

As you can see in the above screenshot, "one of these photos is not like the others."

In the fall of 2022, a certain individual whose public pseudonym is Lanzifer Longinus got wind of an article I'd written about him in August of 2022, and he posted this photo, along with my article link, on his Facebook page.  He's the smirker on the left.

I happened to see it, and I thought it was pretty naughty that he put a photo of himself and Lucien (also a pseudonym) cursing me along with a link to my article.  According to ex-satanists, that's what that hand sign with the fingers pointed outwards means, it's a curse.  At least I thought so until I looked it up, and the fingers pointing out is a curse position, but the thumb crossing in front of the fingers means that it's just a standard sign for Lucifer.

At any rate, at the time I thought the hand position was a curse, so I thought I'd negate their curse by doing something silly with it.  So, I took that photo, and negated their curse (at least in my own mind) by putting finger puppets over their fingers.  It was both a joke and a message to him that I thought he and his devotion to Lucifer is absurd, and that being out of the system is much more fun than being in it.

I put the adulterated-via-finger-puppet photo on my Facebook for a brief while, figuring that Lanzifer would see it.  He did.  He swapped his own photo with the negated curse finger puppet photo and uploaded that on his own Facebook page. It seemed kind of absurd to me that he would put it on his own page, but maybe he was playing around as well, who knows.  It was an improvement on the nasty comments he and his chums were sending to my blog posts.

So, now, I get word through the grapevine that David Hall aka Grey Area Monarch is using that finger puppet photo I made and sending it to completely random people I don't know, to "prove" to them that I'm a satanist.

How ridiculous.  Talk to me for 30 seconds, read one of my posts, you'd not be able to find any legitimate reason to call me a satanist.  Nor is a photo of me joking around about an ACTUAL SATANIST who was harassing me at the time prove that I am a satanist.

So, Grey Area Monarch, aka David Hall, you lie.  Again.  Like with the "David Shurter and Veronica are working together" lie, it's easily disproved with the truth.  Truth is, a joking finger puppet photo doesn't make me a satanist.  Just writing that out... how ridiculous will you get?  People have your number now David, you're a liar and you deliberately spread disinformation.

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January 07, 2025
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 29: New year, New me!

Happy New Year Friends! This year has already kicked off with a BANG! Trump is being certified and Trudeau has resigned. I feel a BIG SHIFT coming for 2025, and even if it is a bad one, ... we will still praise the Lord!

Recently, I was with my brother and sister for a quick visit. We never all get along when we are together and it's probably that there are 3 of 2 always gang up on 1 when we are together. I caught my sister running her mouth about my grandma's dog...talking smack about how her kids are glad I'm not their mother and so on and so forth. The good news is the Holy Spirit was activated and I JUST KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT! LOL.

I highlight this interaction as before, I would defend, challenge, and hurt her feelings just to get back at her. But as I walk with the Lord, and grow close to him, I have learned that not every comment deserves a reaction.   (“Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.” – Proverbs 21:23)

I could see her spirit was cloudy and dark and I just sat there quietly, I'm sure my spirit was golden as Jesus was shining through me. My family is not very religious on my mother's they just call me a hypocrite. Call me what you want, but the Lord calls me beloved. (Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11)

This new year, let us remember we are NEW CREATIONS in Christ! Out with the old and in with the new! Jesus has given me so much life, so much joy and I don't want to waste an ounce of my thoughts or energy on haters this year....even if they are my family. (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Be blessed this 2025 and NOT STRESSED! Guess what, this world is still going to suck... but our hope is in Christ alone. I am always praying for you all! I Love you :)  

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December 31, 2024
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 28: Tale of two brothers

Happy Testimony Tuesday, y'all! Can you believe this is the last post of 2024?! I started this February 2023, and it seems I only made 28 episodes—a little more than 50% of the year—but I think that was a successful start! Thank you for coming along with me on this journey.

Last week, our office was painted, and if you know anything about me, I am nosey and curious about people. We had a family of painters in the office and for the first day or so, we didn't interact. On the 3rd day, the painter stopped by my office and started getting a little emotional. He recently lost pretty much everything the last Hurricane we had. He said he was a Christian and he knows to trust God but it is hard right now.

I confirmed to him that our flesh is weak**, and we just need to give it to God and stay praising him. He agreed and became a little weepy, and I told him "Hold my hand" He looked a little hesitant and I said "Don't worry, I am Jesus' Cheerleader and we are going to pray" We held his hand (my co-worker and I) and I began to pray over him.(**Mathew 26:41 41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”) 

My boss laughed because I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF! All our tears belong to God**, I just want everyone to come to him with their crisis. He is our Healer and goes before us to clear a path***.(**Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.) (***Deuteronomy 31:8 8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”)

The next few days passed and I then came into a conversation with his brother. This brother had a totally different vibe about him. He was a little jaded almost with Christianity. He mentioned he and his brother were raised Presbyterian and he read the Bible so many times he can debate anyone at this point. He likes interacting with Athiests cause they think they know everything but they don't know the written word so he uses scriptures to debate them. This kind of gave me a bad feeling. Instead of glorifying God and testifying how good God is in your life... he just challenges people.

This made me think of Cain and Able. Cain and Able were brothers, raised in the same household, with the same understanding of God. That was almost the same situation with the painters...One brother was weeping and bowing down to Christ, and the other brother was living in his Ego, challenging people, God, and the world around him.

We need to decide which brother we want to be like... Cain or Able. Brothers and Sisters, we are all God's children so let's stop being so combative with each other and be more humble and loving towards each other! This new year I pray that we can all lay our sin at the foot of the cross and just seek Jesus with open hearts. Let's learn more about who he is so we can be like him! Praying for many blessings over you for 2025! Let's bring in the new year with Jesus! Amen!

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November 26, 2024
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 27: From Slave to Saved

Happy Testimony Tuesday, Y'all! Today we have an exciting testimony provided by our own Amy Jo! I feel truly blessed to listen to her speak and open up about who she was before Christ and who she is now. What a beautiful reflection of God's redeeming love. 

Amy called herself a "child seductress." For most of us, we can not fathom what that really means, but it is horrifying nonetheless. Coming from Generational trauma, that is the only thing she knew as a small child. She mentioned being 'spiritually marked' when you come from trauma and that reminded me of the book "Scarlet Letter". The spirits can see her pain and trauma and torment her as she wears the big red "A" on her chest.

As an adult, she felt she 'trafficked' herself as that was the way of life she knew. She thought that being in control of the trafficking herself, it would release her from some kind of bondage, but it only brought her into more pain. For many years she was inside an evil marriage in an evil family and they knew every programming trigger to use against her. 

Until one day she was blessed with a child. She said once she was with child, she no longer lived for herself, she cleaned up so she could live for her son. I relate to this as I was the same way. I was full of pain and self-destructed in a lot of ways. Once I got pregnant I stopped eating high-mercury fish and even took a car seat training class! My life was no longer my own. I believe children are truly a gift from God because look how fast we change so that our children can live! (Psalm 127:3)

Amy was still weak and afraid but she knew she was stronger than that and overcame the fear. Instead of living in the pain, she turned that energy into helping others. (One quick note: DONATE SOCKS TO LOCAL SHELTERS!!! The homeless that are riddled with trauma living on the streets, always need socks!) She thought she was justified by turning her anger against her 'monsters' but realized vengeance is the Lord's. (Deuteronomy 32:35)

Like me, she started looking for answers and found herself interested in conspiracies. She was sent a link about Jessie Czebotar, and suddenly pieces of her puzzle came together. She could feel her own portrait being painted by Jessie's words. After years of just feeling "Crazy" and not knowing why... God took her on her own personal journey filled with discovery. 

While reflecting upon her life, she found that God was always there, he never left her. And while he was there, he took the worst of it first so that she could walk through the fire with him. Amy Jo grew in her walk with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and instead of being angry with others, she learned to no longer hate. God healed her so deeply, that he taught her how to love again. She was filled with so much love, grace, and compassion for others, that she began to change. (Philippians 4:7)

Amy Jo didn't need a deliverance ministry as God walked with her and taught her the prayers she needed to work on breaking her bonds. She is comforted by the solitude of life and likes to walk with the Lord daily. Jesus can handle ALL OF IT! And when he brings something to you, it's never in condemnation but rather for your own self-reflection. We have all been rescued in different ways and love is the answer. Jesus is love, true love, not Hollywood love. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

I love you all my friends, and I hope that by understanding each other through our testimonies we can then understand who God is more clearly. He loves us so much. So much I am tearing up writing this. YOU MATTER! I MATTER! And God loves us every moment of every day! Blessings over you! 



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