Helllllooooo my friends! Today I would like to reflect on Counting our blessings. Last article, I emphasized how by helping each other out, we are defying the devil and living for the Lord. I would like to expand on that today.
FEMA was assisting us Hurricane victims with $770.00 payouts. These were generic and not everyone qualified for them. Some people are still jumping through hoops to try and recoup lost groceries, days from work etc. I applied on a Monday and was issued my funds by Thursday so mine was very quick. My mother exclaimed "The Lord is always blessing you" and I couldn't agree more!
Every day, I thank him for big things and small things that happen in my life. Without him, my life would have no color, no joy and I would deserve every hardship that I "earned" in my life. With God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
My youngest son gives me the most grief, the most tears, and the most grey hairs! When we prayed together last night, I prayed "Thank you for the things we don't know how to do yet as you have given us an opportunity to learn more." Always count your blessings! I could sit and cry about how he is so much harder than my eldest, but I KNOW that God has something in store for him and I have to be patient and learn how to be his mother.
My boy's Dad and I have been separated for 8 years, we have stayed "friends" so that we can both be there for our children. He never asks me for anything unless it's like to swap a day with the kids. He messaged me yesterday morning asking if I could help him scrub his bathroom and kitchen as he was having an inspection and was afraid of the state of the home. Most people would be like "Kick rocks... I don't owe you anything" but I accepted his request for help and went over for about an hour to help clean the hard stuff.
Driving there, I thanked the Lord that I had the opportunity to help him. I thanked the Lord that the kid's Dad had the strength to ask me for help. And I prayed for stamina as I am recovering from what seems to be my 15th cold of the year... The Lord is so good to me, and I hope that he sees by blessing me, I am able to bless others.
Life is hard, times are tough. But if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and help our fellow brothers and sisters, life isn't so bad. I only pray that my children watch who I am rather than listen to me constantly yelling at them. I pray that they learn to serve others and care for each other, and I pray that God protects and comforts them as he is always doing for me.
I hope that you all can count your daily blessings. Being a soul in a flesh suit is uncomfortable. But when we dig deep, we find a well of blessings the Lord has provided to us and we are rich beyond measure. I love you all! Have a BLESSED week 💖