Veronica Swift
Education • Culture
David Hall aka Grey Area Monarch
Has been exposed by David Shurter
June 25, 2024
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Once in a blue moon, something comes along for the good side, and yesterday was it for me.  It was over a year ago when a man (David Hall) calling himself "Grey Area Monarch" or Grey Area Operator, or OrganizeSafety or Mik Hail or any number of other aliases began emailing me about how he wanted me to stop writing about Jessie Czebotar, that by writing about her I was irreparably damaging the survivors out there.  I didn't buy it.  People don't shy away from telling me what they believe to be the truth, and nobody yet has told me I'm doing irreparable harm to anybody, except him.  In fact, I've been told that what I do is beneficial.  By survivors.  Numerous times.

Fast forward to September of last year, and Grey Area ramped up the harassment via email with me.  Over the course of a few days he became insulting, and demanding.  He accused me of the following:

-being blind
-being complicit with evil
-being an embezzler
-not caring
-being a "problem"
-promoting Luciferianism
-making him sick
-lying and hiding the truth
-being lazy
-being sick in the head
-attacking survivors

In an effort to get him to stop emailing me, and to stop complaining that everything of mine was behind a paywall, I offered to publish our emails back and forth so that others could read them and decide for themselves.  He replied "If you lie about me or fail to show full context you'll be fully exposed everywhere and ill make sure to mention you along with Jessie on larger platforms to get the word out. In fact I already will since you're clearly damaging the community by either being fooled or malicious. I tried to talk to you reasonably and you couldn't of been more wrong and overall full of shit. Shame on you." He also wrote "At this point I HOPE you post them.  Maybe I will in fact.
Yes, I will."  I don't believe he ever did post them, but I did, on September 13, 2023, here on Locals.  You can check the first post out here:

After I published them, here, on Locals, Grey area came, and he insulted me by messenger (Locals used to have a message feature which it ditched in late 2023).  He then took screenshots of the emails and the posts here on Locals and plastered them all over TwitterX, with more insults and more outright lies against me.

In the life of a blogger about the Luciferian System, things like this take up an enormous amount of time and energy.  In fact, it's one of their strategies, used over and over, to make up lies out of thin air and post them to social media.  Trying to answer those lies takes much, much longer than it does for them to make it up.  They can flood social media with hundreds of insults, lies and other messages in the time it takes to answer back, with documentation, to one of theirs.  So, naturally, it's been used as a strategy against me, because time is precious.  It's why I don't answer back immediately, if at all any more.  I like to let them build up an echo chamber of the same lies (they aren't very creative) because it's easier answering 100 back at once than each and every one.  I let them dig a hole for themselves, essentially.

Later on TwitterX David Hall aka Grey Area Monarch accused me of not just promoting Luciferianism, but of being a Luciferian, which is ludicrous. I've had to learn about it from scratch.  Any mildly honest person reading my blog from the beginning can tell that I didn't know anything and was learning as I went. 

Yesterday on YouTube, David Shurter posted a picture of David Hall, called him out as the spouse of Emma Katherine Pietrzak, host of the Imagination Podcast, and accused that Podcast (and both of them) of being a "honeypot for survivors."  He says they "love bomb" the survivors and "do everything they can to get the last bits of information any of these people have" from them, then "they turn on them."

Then, says Shurter, they "trash" those people.  This is according to the many messages he's received from survivors complaining about Emma, David aka Grey Area and the Imagination Podcast.

Shurter also said "They're (Emma and David and the Podcast) not real.  "They're there to LURE SURVIVORS IN, TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY KNOW AND NEUTRALIZE THEM."  That's a quote.  Here's another: "They love bomb these survivors, they do everything they can to get every last amount of information any of these people have, and then they turn on them and they go after them and anybody who calls them out gets trashed.  They go out of their way to do to others exactly what they do to me (Shurter).  This dude (Hall/Grey Area) just kept sending me these videos and telling me I was a liar."

Wow.  That was pretty much my experience with Grey, as well.  He love-bombed me early on, then started in on me later, and when I started pushing back and not acquiescing to his demands, he trashed me and called me a liar.  But he's the liar.  And publishing our emails proved his escalating levels of desperation, name-calling, and instability.  I think I'm being overly nice with that assessment.  One podcaster on the Days of Noah Podcast TwitterX account tweeted in October of 2023 that David/Grey was "off kilter", "not stable", and "vicious".

When I compiled Grey Area's emails and mine (the whole approximately 38+ email collection from June to September 2023) I made 2 mistakes.  Completely unintended.  I accidentally included one IP address, and I accidentally left out a URL.  

He let me know immediately about the URL link I missed by writing on TwitterX that I "deliberately omitted links and wrote a hit piece."  I immediately revised the compilation and re-published it on 14 September 2023, here on locals.  You can see the revision post here:  I've never claimed perfection, and I do aim to correct things if I make mistakes.  David/Grey doesn't care if he makes mistakes, nor does he correct anything, that I've ever seen.  He was out to trash me and call me a liar just like Shurter said is his normal way of "operating".  I accidentally missed copying ONE link, to my knowledge in the entire collection of email text.  How he thinks I turned our email correspondence into a "hit piece" by missing one link, while immediately revising the file and republishing the whole file with the link included the following day, is beyond me.  I published every email I received from him (I made sure nothing went to spam) yet, later, he still accused me of missing publishing 2 emails.  Where are they?  Did he give them to me?  Email them?  Post them on TwitterX?  Nope.  I still have to this day never seen him produce them.

Then he called me missing the one URL link "Luciferian stuff right there."  ??!! Really?? That's a big stretch for one link.  Later that day he surmised that I have Dissociative Identity Disorder.  Also false.  Then he called my followers "stupid."  False.  The same day, in messages here on Locals, he called me "batshit crazy or malicious" and "disingenuous to your readers" and "a funnel to Jessoes [sic] programmer designed therapy," whatever that means.

The IP address that he claimed I left in deliberately he turned into me endangering his life, until someone pointed out that it tracked to a location "in front of a government building" and did Grey actually live outside of a building not in a residential area camped out in a tent in a parking lot?  He didn't press the IP address much after that, so I'm assuming that it did not, in fact, point to anywhere near where he actually lived, and therefore didn't endanger anybody.  Phew.  It wasn't my intention to leave it in, and lucky for me he was using a vpn to obscure his location.  The fact that it pointed to a government building is... interesting.

David/Grey Area also harped on me for not including the attachments to his email in my email compilation.  I thought that was strange, since two of the email attachments were my own book, in German, a few were of the intake form for (what I assume now to be a survivor harvesting organization called) Organize Safety, and three others were his "logo"; differently colored ouroboros (snakes) with a knife through their head.  I still don't know what any of that had to do with what we were discussing by email.  In the beginning of his complaining about my inadequacies on TwitterX, I thought he was joking, since none of these seemed like any sort of legitimate attachment that I was supposed to pay attention to.  

Then, same day, David/Grey said I "Infiltrated the community - just like doug/Lucien infiltrated."  He claims I "massively tricked" all of you and am "promoting things I know are lies."  

Then he blatantly called me a "Luciferian Agent" and that I spread misinformation by sprinkling lies amongst the truth, which then opened the door to accuse me of "embezzlement through fraud."  He says that I'm a Luciferian because I'm kind, and not mean.

A voluntary donation or subscription payment to my website doesn't constitute embezzlement.

I'm not a Luciferian nor have I ever been one.

I'm not an infiltrator--I have, since day 1, simply been trying to figure out what all this is about, because it was completely new to me when I ran across it in October of 2020.

I'm not a funnel to anybody's anything anywhere, ever.

I published everything we emailed back and forth from June to September 2023.  I left nothing out.

David/Grey accused me of putting him in irreparable danger by publishing.  And yet, in the email compilation, he very clearly wrote that he WANTED ME to publish the emails and that HE thought it would be a good idea if he published them before I did.  Then, on TwitterX, he said "no way she publishes our actual conversation - I'll let her make the first move without context - then publish IT ALL to show how wrong she is and how bad of a liar."  Then he called me a "leech".

The day before that he wrote "Only a pompous arrogant luciferian would try to threaten posting conversations of themselves being called out."  So, now I'm a Luciferian not because I'm kind, but because I'm arrogant, and unashamed of what I wrote to him.  (I feel my eyes roll involuntarily with the inconsistencies of it all).

In an attempt to get him to understand I was serious about him stopping emailing me, I chose the word "contract" to ask him to cease and desist or I would publish our email exchange.  I thought he was smart enough to take the hint and stop the emails.  He wasn't, and didn't.  Little did I know that the word contract is used frequently in the Luciferian brotherhood.  I had no idea then.  It's come out more recently with the numerous contracts with demons exposé by Jessie Czebotar.  In my regular life, people of all persuasions use that word; it's pretty ubiquitous.  But, he took that word usage of mine and used it against me time and time again on TwitterX.  If I had it to do over I would have chosen a different word or blocked the creep a lot sooner.

I wasn't the only one David Hall aka Grey Area Monarch has trashed.  He went after Cathy Fox, and then Tom Althouse and before all of us he'd gone after Jessie Czebotar and a few others.  Tom Althouse called Grey Area "David from Tennessee," which is one reason I'm confident Shurter has Grey Area's identity correct. 

Hall, according to Shurter, told him that he "didn't care if he was being investigated," so Shurter reported him to his Sheriff, and posted a few videos of him on YouTube.

I know for the most part, people don't like reading about the messy, dark, violent and evil side of the Brotherhood.  But this is a war, in my opinion.  And if we're ignorant of the enemy's devices and his people, it's a trap waiting to ensnare us.

I don't know if Emma Katherine Pietrzak is a legal spouse of David Hall, or not.  I don't know if Shurter was correct about that.  It's been bandied around TwitterX a bit.  Also bandied is that they are engaged, and still others say that they don't even live near each other and the lovey-dovey stuff is fake.  In her comment on David Shurter's YouTube video, she didn't address her relationship with David Hall... or lack thereof.  It was a weird subject to avoid, considering that he was pretty much the focus of the whole video.

Steven D Kelley called out the Imagination Podcast as a Cointel operation.  Cointel is short for Counterintelligence.  Basically CIA or FBI level stuff.

I'm working on a timeline that is interesting, and involves major players.  I think I'll find that Grey's outburst to David Shurter also connects to Operation Clean Sweep, to Jessie Cebotar's brother's death and the preceding FBI harassment and death threats, to the blowup within the Satanic Temple leadership in May, and other interesting developments in the past 6 weeks or so.

My question is:  What "operation" is Grey Area Operator operating in?  Who's he working with?

If you're interested in any of the other historical posts on Grey here on Locals, here are a few:

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Donations and Prayers

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January 28, 2025
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 30: Short on time- enjoy this thread

Hi Friends! I decided to just post a little inspirational thread today on X. I'm so pressed for time with these projects at work! I hope you all have a blessed week!!! Love you, Ally.

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January 07, 2025
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 29: New year, New me!

Happy New Year Friends! This year has already kicked off with a BANG! Trump is being certified and Trudeau has resigned. I feel a BIG SHIFT coming for 2025, and even if it is a bad one, ... we will still praise the Lord!

Recently, I was with my brother and sister for a quick visit. We never all get along when we are together and it's probably that there are 3 of 2 always gang up on 1 when we are together. I caught my sister running her mouth about my grandma's dog...talking smack about how her kids are glad I'm not their mother and so on and so forth. The good news is the Holy Spirit was activated and I JUST KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT! LOL.

I highlight this interaction as before, I would defend, challenge, and hurt her feelings just to get back at her. But as I walk with the Lord, and grow close to him, I have learned that not every comment deserves a reaction.   (“Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.” – Proverbs 21:23)

I could see her spirit was cloudy and dark and I just sat there quietly, I'm sure my spirit was golden as Jesus was shining through me. My family is not very religious on my mother's they just call me a hypocrite. Call me what you want, but the Lord calls me beloved. (Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11)

This new year, let us remember we are NEW CREATIONS in Christ! Out with the old and in with the new! Jesus has given me so much life, so much joy and I don't want to waste an ounce of my thoughts or energy on haters this year....even if they are my family. (Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Be blessed this 2025 and NOT STRESSED! Guess what, this world is still going to suck... but our hope is in Christ alone. I am always praying for you all! I Love you :)  

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December 31, 2024
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 28: Tale of two brothers

Happy Testimony Tuesday, y'all! Can you believe this is the last post of 2024?! I started this February 2023, and it seems I only made 28 episodes—a little more than 50% of the year—but I think that was a successful start! Thank you for coming along with me on this journey.

Last week, our office was painted, and if you know anything about me, I am nosey and curious about people. We had a family of painters in the office and for the first day or so, we didn't interact. On the 3rd day, the painter stopped by my office and started getting a little emotional. He recently lost pretty much everything the last Hurricane we had. He said he was a Christian and he knows to trust God but it is hard right now.

I confirmed to him that our flesh is weak**, and we just need to give it to God and stay praising him. He agreed and became a little weepy, and I told him "Hold my hand" He looked a little hesitant and I said "Don't worry, I am Jesus' Cheerleader and we are going to pray" We held his hand (my co-worker and I) and I began to pray over him.(**Mathew 26:41 41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”) 

My boss laughed because I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF! All our tears belong to God**, I just want everyone to come to him with their crisis. He is our Healer and goes before us to clear a path***.(**Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.) (***Deuteronomy 31:8 8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”)

The next few days passed and I then came into a conversation with his brother. This brother had a totally different vibe about him. He was a little jaded almost with Christianity. He mentioned he and his brother were raised Presbyterian and he read the Bible so many times he can debate anyone at this point. He likes interacting with Athiests cause they think they know everything but they don't know the written word so he uses scriptures to debate them. This kind of gave me a bad feeling. Instead of glorifying God and testifying how good God is in your life... he just challenges people.

This made me think of Cain and Able. Cain and Able were brothers, raised in the same household, with the same understanding of God. That was almost the same situation with the painters...One brother was weeping and bowing down to Christ, and the other brother was living in his Ego, challenging people, God, and the world around him.

We need to decide which brother we want to be like... Cain or Able. Brothers and Sisters, we are all God's children so let's stop being so combative with each other and be more humble and loving towards each other! This new year I pray that we can all lay our sin at the foot of the cross and just seek Jesus with open hearts. Let's learn more about who he is so we can be like him! Praying for many blessings over you for 2025! Let's bring in the new year with Jesus! Amen!

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