Veronica Swift
Education • Culture
Explore and share about the evil Luciferian system that is running our world. We support ending human trafficking, ending SRA and RA, and discussing the people who are/were involved.
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October 01, 2024
Woah 🤯

It’s funny how you never remember the movies for what they really are… take a look at this movie break down my Mind Unvieled!

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April 23, 2024
All is well

🪴 🌱 🌹 🌸 🌺 🙏

Roseanne on Hollywood Parties

Crude language, important message. People are talking about the iniquity.

Oh, my, goodness. Right out in the open!
Oh my word, I love this guy's voice!

.... I want him to audio the whole book. What do you all think?

Oh my word, I love this guy's voice!
Sabbatical from Oct 1 through Dec 31

Hello Locals members and subscribers.

I am taking a break/sabbatical from writing for the last 3 months of 2024. Mid-October of 2024 is my 4 year anniversary of finding information on the Brotherhood and the marathon I've been running since then learning and writing about it. I'm overdue for a rest.

If you have a current, active subscription as of September 30, we will be adding 3 months (91 days) of FREE access to your subscription. New and renewal subscriptions will be closed during the sabbatical period; the only way to access the blog will be through an active subscriptions made before Oct 1st.

If you're renewing, start by logging-in and if you're a new subscriber, start here:

I won't be checking email or social media through the break time. If you are having difficulty with the website, you can email [email protected] for assistance.

I might pop in on Locals ...

October 03, 2024

Yikes! Read this movie breakdown.... they really are shoving Satan down our throats.

Hello Lovely People

I'm off. But will be back here periodically to say howdy. Hold down the fort for me. Love ya!

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September 17, 2024
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Testimony Tuesday
Episode 23: Dont count on me

Helllllo Friends! It has been a few weeks since I have been able to post and for that, I am truly sorry. I know some of you have come to appreciate these posts and the little things that draw you closer to God. August is a CRAZY month for me with back to school, 2 kids' birthdays, and the hottest month in Florida for the HVAC business. 

I titled this post "Don't count on me" because honestly, I will probably always be a letdown. My Dad, who helps me with everything I could ever need, (down payment for a house, a new AC unit etc....) had his birthday on 09/14. Guess who is the worst? ME! He helped me buy so many things and the least I could do was call him on time for his birthday, but I forgot and called the next day. It seems easy, to do what others expect from you, but it is also really easy to disappoint the people you love. 

My mom has a wedding in November, and all she asked was for me to make her some invitations, It took me weeks to get this done! She helps me with food and just talks to me daily so I can vent and sound ugly and she provides me with a safe space to be mean and loves me anyway. This is a big help to me as I don't always play nice. And being able to sound mean and ugly helps me blow off steam. 

I wish that I could "show up" for the people who love and count on me, but people should expect me to disappoint them and just rejoice when I get things right! I think we as people often fail other people, and this also relates to our relationship with God.

He is a parent who has expectations, rules, and examples to live by. Every day we fall short, and bruise our knees, and our Loving God picks us back up, wipes our tears away, and is proud of us when we get up and try again. I was praying the other night, "How can I do more?" "What do you want from me?" the usual... and I swear God told me to love myself.

This is as you know a foreign concept for me, but when I stopped and thought about it... It probably hurts God that I am so self-deprecating and lustful for the big sleep. He created ME to enjoy this place. He created ME to help pick others back up when they fall. He created ME to love and be loved, so I need to start allowing myself some grace that I generously provide for others.

I hope you are all well, and enjoyed this little bit of self-reflection. I hope YOU have a great day, and rejoice in the day. God made this whole world and then thought to himself... how much greater it would be with YOU in it! I love you guys <3

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No, David, I am not a satanist
And the photo has finger puppets, which should have been a clue for you.

I just found out that Grey Area Monarch, aka David Hall (no, I am not doxxing his actual name, his name was already released by David Shurter months ago on David's YouTube channel) has been sending a certain photograph to people and telling them it's proof that I'm a satanist.

So I thought I'd do some reminiscing down memory lane and talk about this photo that Mr. Hall got off my Facebook profile picture photo list.

As you can see in the above screenshot, "one of these photos is not like the others."

In the fall of 2022, a certain individual whose public pseudonym is Lanzifer Longinus got wind of an article I'd written about him in August of 2022, and he posted this photo, along with my article link, on his Facebook page.  He's the smirker on the left.

I happened to see it, and I thought it was pretty naughty that he put a photo of himself and Lucien (also a pseudonym) cursing me along with a link to my article.  According to ex-satanists, that's what that hand sign with the fingers pointed outwards means, it's a curse.  At least I thought so until I looked it up, and the fingers pointing out is a curse position, but the thumb crossing in front of the fingers means that it's just a standard sign for Lucifer.

At any rate, at the time I thought the hand position was a curse, so I thought I'd negate their curse by doing something silly with it.  So, I took that photo, and negated their curse (at least in my own mind) by putting finger puppets over their fingers.  It was both a joke and a message to him that I thought he and his devotion to Lucifer is absurd, and that being out of the system is much more fun than being in it.

I put the adulterated-via-finger-puppet photo on my Facebook for a brief while, figuring that Lanzifer would see it.  He did.  He swapped his own photo with the negated curse finger puppet photo and uploaded that on his own Facebook page. It seemed kind of absurd to me that he would put it on his own page, but maybe he was playing around as well, who knows.  It was an improvement on the nasty comments he and his chums were sending to my blog posts.

So, now, I get word through the grapevine that David Hall aka Grey Area Monarch is using that finger puppet photo I made and sending it to completely random people I don't know, to "prove" to them that I'm a satanist.

How ridiculous.  Talk to me for 30 seconds, read one of my posts, you'd not be able to find any legitimate reason to call me a satanist.  Nor is a photo of me joking around about an ACTUAL SATANIST who was harassing me at the time prove that I am a satanist.

So, Grey Area Monarch, aka David Hall, you lie.  Again.  Like with the "David Shurter and Veronica are working together" lie, it's easily disproved with the truth.  Truth is, a joking finger puppet photo doesn't make me a satanist.  Just writing that out... how ridiculous will you get?  People have your number now David, you're a liar and you deliberately spread disinformation.

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August 21, 2024
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WOW its Wednesday!
Testimony Tuesday Episode 22: James Drain

Wow, it's Wednesday... This means I am a day late and a dollar short... well tons of dollars short but who's counting?! LOL. Today, I would like to highlight James Dain's amazing testimony. James was blind for 8 years and his vision was restored immediately after baptism. 

James has multiple sclerosis and worked in a chemical plant for 8 years. The combination of MS and the chemical exposure caused him to lose his eyesight. The nerves were deteriorating and he expected to never fully see again. When he went in for the Baptism on August 14th of this year, he only had 40% vision in his left eye and 0% vision in his right. 

James had several reasons he wanted to be Baptised in Jesus' name; the scriptures tell us to do so, to follow Christ as the apostles did, and to just give his life up to the service of the Lord. James went into the Baptism with no requests for healing, he just simply laid down his life for our Lord, Jesus Christ. The moment James came up from the Baptismal waters, his vision was fully restored. Praise God! He can see better than he ever could! 

Coming out of the water he was overjoyed, he spoke in tongues and suddenly the lights around him became very intense. He recalls looking up at the lights and seeing individual lightbulbs, lights have always been blurry to him so he was amazed. Looking down, he found that he could see people in the crowd, he could never pick out individuals before. He confirmed to the Pastor, that his vision had been restored.

James' story shows us many things, but mostly that GOD IS IN CONTROL. James made no selfish declarations of faith, but came to the Lord with a loving, humble heart. God's will for our lives is unknown and often strange at times. But when we trust him completely and give up control of our lives, look what our Amazing God can do!

We sing Amazing Grace; that we were once blind and now we can see. James gets the privilege to live those words out in his life. He said the only thing that changed for him after baptism was how hungry he now is to collect more souls for the Lord. His Miracle was not meant for him, but for the glory of the Lord, to be a beacon of hope for others.

I feel the same way! Let's be good harvesters down here, and bring the Lord as many fruits as we can!

I love you all!! 


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